December 31, 2020
How a Small Denver-Based Baby Company Survived 2020
@2020 laters, baby!
Can you believe that January 2020 was just a year ago? What a wild ride..
While no two experiences are the same, one thing is true for us all --- life CHANGED, and change can be a bit intimidating at first. This past year has thrown us challenges left and right, and we’ve all adapted.
Twenty-twenty has certainly been tough for small businesses like Urban Baby Co. We, like so many small businesses in the world, pivoted and rerouted business plans to make it through 2020. This is how we pivoted and learned in 2020. Plus, we discover some 2021 goals we thought you'd like to know about!

Transitioning from local markets to digital markets
Pre-pandemic, much of our business was conducted in local markets around Colorado. Stay-at-home ordinances put a temporary close to local markets; so, we took the money we would’ve spent on local markets and re-invested it into digital marketing efforts and our re-brand. This pivot also grew our team!
Supporting community in new ways
With local markets being canceled, it was hard to feel connected to other local businesses and talent. In reaction to this lost sense of community, we invested more time and energy in raising awareness for other brilliant small businesses through a Local Business Social Media Campaign. It was important to feel close to our community, especially in this time of struggle.
Growing more conscious of small businesses
Pre-pandemic, it was easier to purchase arbitrary items off of amazon -- it was fast, and items seemed to fall from the sky to our doorstep instantly; however, we quickly cut this habit and sourced as much as we possibly could from local vendors and small shops to help keep small businesses alive. Just because somethings may be easier than others, doesn’t mean it is the best for our neighbors.
You can have a plan, but don’t assume they will always work out.
We learned that we don’t need a plan for everything -- unless we can get our hands on a crystal ball and see the future. It is important to remember there is a lot out of our control and it’s best to focus on what we can control.
Patience is a virtue
It was difficult to do business delays with manufacturers, suppliers, and carriers, and we quickly learned how to wait calmly and have empathy in the face adversity.
Introduce NEW product lines! And expand into maternity and postpartum.Organically grow as a business!
Host more contests + giveaways for YOU!